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coping skills

Does banning something really work?


Does banning something really work? Recently there has been a lot of discussion regarding things banned in the US.  From books to our bodies, most have been reactions to fears that worse things will happen if we continue to have unrestricted access to these options. According to an article by Biju Dominic [...]

Does banning something really work?2023-07-18T16:15:59-04:00

How do you cope when the world is in crisis?


In the current climate it seems like everything is putting panic at the forefront of our mind.  Statistics, charts, speeches, websites, etc. are rampant with information and it is difficult to know who to believe.  While it is important to make sure your information is accurate before you share, or rely on it [...]

How do you cope when the world is in crisis?2021-11-23T18:47:51-05:00

Depression or Grief?


The distinction between depression and grief may seem ambiguous. That’s because often the symptoms mirror each other. Symptoms such as: Lack of motivation Sadness Low energy Difficulty concentrating Hopelessness Irritability and anger Avoiding social situations Some statements people make even sound similar: “I don’t want to go on” or “I just want to be [...]

Depression or Grief?2021-07-18T12:44:48-04:00

Mental Health Warning Signs in Children


There are times, as parents, when we question if something is "normal" or a "phase.  It is important to have information that can help you determine if there is a cause for concern and the need to seek treatment.  The mental health warning signs in children can vary, but will often be some form [...]

Mental Health Warning Signs in Children2023-06-21T11:48:56-04:00

Getting Started With Mindfulness


Mindfulness is not obscure or exotic. It’s familiar to us because it’s what we already do. Mindfulness is not something new. We already have the capacity to be present, so no big changes to who we are. We can cultivate these innate qualities with simple practices that are scientifically demonstrated to benefit [...]

Getting Started With Mindfulness2021-07-23T18:10:46-04:00
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