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Back to School Volume 2


Back to School Volume 2 Self Esteem Self-Esteem is not just how we value ourselves, it also is how much we trust ourselves. Our self-esteem is based on beliefs about ourselves. If we learn not to be confident in ourselves, there can be negative consequences to our mental health.  How can a [...]

Back to School Volume 22024-04-23T17:06:06-04:00

Back to School Volume 1


Back to School Volume 1 Stress Stress is Stressful! Let’s break it down…  There are varying types of stress, but for back to school we are going to concentrate on: Acute Stress The most common stressor, but thankfully the least damaging health wise! These are short-term stressors that occur in [...]

Back to School Volume 12024-04-23T17:01:00-04:00

Creating shared meaning


Throughout this blog series, we have been reviewing the principles that make marriage work as theorized by John Gottman.  If you have accomplished the first six principles, more than likely you have a happy and stable marriage.  As a reminder, those first six principles are: Building Love Maps, Nurturing Your Fondness and Admiration, Turning Toward [...]

Creating shared meaning2024-04-18T12:29:52-04:00

Gridlock in Relationships


What happens when you and your partner have irreconcilable differences?  Does it mean the relationship is doomed?  Does it mean you can agree to disagree?  Gridlock in relationships happen when both partners are unable to understand their partner’s perspective, and instead, lock into their position while viewing their partner as more and more [...]

Gridlock in Relationships2024-04-18T12:41:10-04:00

Solve Your Solvable Problems


"It stands to reason that when a husband and wife respect each other and are open to each other's point of view, they have a good basis for resolving any differences that arise", according to Gottman.  If this sounds like you and your partner, you have the foundation necessary to begin approaching conflict [...]

Solve Your Solvable Problems2023-06-21T13:17:06-04:00
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